There are working examples of biodiversity credits emerging via voluntary market project developers and methodologies, as well as jurisdictional schemes. These offerings variously cover species, ecosystem and habitat credits. Project developers starting to offer credits in the voluntary space include: Savimbo, CreditNature, ValueNature, Replanet, Terrasos, Ekos, South Pole, Environment Bank, Wilderlands, CarbonZ and Orsa BesparingsskogContinue reading “How many working examples of biodiversity credit schemes are already on the market? How many are expected?”
Category Archives
Are biodiversity credits expected to be traded locally? Internationally?
Currently there are no secondary markets established for biodiversity credits. So far, the frontrunner biodiversity crediting programs are focused on mainly domestic markets. As there is no formal framework for international trading of biodiversity credits today and many countries maintain concerns about introducing this approach for biodiversity given the different values of biodiversity worldwide areContinue reading “Are biodiversity credits expected to be traded locally? Internationally?”
The voluntary carbon market has been criticized and faced considerable scrutiny recently. How could confidence or credibility be established in the biodiversity credit market?
The biodiversity credit market benefits from the considerable experience of the voluntary carbon market. The vast majority of actors in the VCM have been well-intentioned but governance principles were not established rapidly enough. This market is already able to learn from the introduction of safeguards, integrity principles, assessment frameworks and other measures such as grievanceContinue reading “The voluntary carbon market has been criticized and faced considerable scrutiny recently. How could confidence or credibility be established in the biodiversity credit market?”